Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
applications for online only
in the vacancy recruitment of Statistician in Medical Department through
written examination by direct recruitment on TNPSC
Name of the vacancy Post: Statistician - 31 Posts
Detailed of Vacancy:
1. Statistician in Medical Education
Department - 30 Posts; Salary - Basic Pay Rs.9300/- Grade Pay Rs.4400/- plus
allowances in Pay Band II category; Age limit - 30 years for SC / SCA / ST candidates; Age
limit 30 years for UR / BC / BCM / MBC / DNC candidates.
2. Statistician in Indian Medicine and
Homoeopathy Department - 1 Post; Salary - Basic Pay Rs.9300/- Grade
Pay Rs.4400/- plus allowances in Pay Band II category; Age limit - 30
years for UR candidates; No Age limit for BC / BCM / MBC / DNC / SCA / SC / ST
Essential Educational Qualification:
Bachelor's Degree in Statistics (or) Bachelor's
Degree in Mathematics with Statistics as one subject. (or) Bachelor's Degree in
Economics with Statistics as one subject with 2 years experience in medical /
bio-statistics in teaching institution
Examination Pattern:
Examination type: Objective type (MCQs)
Paper I : Core Paper Statistics
Paper II : Total 200 Questions; Total 300 marks; Total 3 hours time
General Studies in degree level 75 MCQs
Aptitude and Mental Ability 10th Std level 25 MCQs
General Tamil or General English 10th std level 100 MCQs
General Instructions to the candidates:
Cut off date for educational qualification
Cut off date for experience 01.08.2017
Cut off date for age 01.07.2017
Last date for online application 02.08.2017
Examination will be conducted in Chennai, Coimbatore and Madurai.
Qualification must be as 10+2+4 / 10+3+4 / 10+1+2+4 pattern or equivalent.
One Time Registration Fee Rs.150 (valid for 5 years)
Examination Fee Rs.150
Toll Free Telephone Number 1800 425 1002
TNPSC Official Telephone Number (044) 2533 2833 / 2533 2855.
Important dates:
Notification No.20/2017
Advertisement No.477/2017
Advertisement date 05.09.2017
Online Application Registration from 05.09.2017 to
Last date for Fee 05.10.2017
Exam date Paper I: 26.11.2017 (10.00 to 01.00)
Exam date Paper II: 26.11.2017 (02.30 to 04.30)
Notification and Examination Syllabus:
Apply online here: http://tnpscexams.net