Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation - TNEB
Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Ltd
TNEB Complex, 144, Anna Salai,
Chennai - 600002, Tamil Nadu
தமிழ்நாடு அரசு மின்வாரியத்தில் கேங்மேன் (பயிற்சி) -
5000 காலிப்பணியிடங்களுக்கான அறிவிப்பு
Invite online applications from the eligible and interested
candidates for the 5000 vacancies of Gang-Man Posts in TamilNadu Elecricity
Recruitment 2019 – 5000 Posts
Gangman Trainee vacancy Notification in TNEB
Name of the vacancy post details:
Gangman (Trainee) - 5000 Posts; Salary - will
be paid as consolidated pay Rs.15000/- per month in the period of two years
training period; After the confirmation, Salary will be paid as regular Basic
Pay Rs.16400- 51500/- plus allowances in TANGEDCO pay structure; Educational Qualifications - 5th Std (i.e. Pass or Fail); Age limit - UR - 35 years; BC / BCM / MBC
- 37 years; SC / SCA / ST - 40 years.
Selection Method and Exam Pattern:
Selections will be made through physical fitness test and
written test.
Stage - I: Physical Tests - Pole
Climbing, Fixing the cross arm. etc.
Stage - II: Written Exam - Those,
who-ever passed the physical test, alone eligible to admit the written test.
Questions in MCQ pattern
Exam Time: 2 hours
Exam Fee details:
UR / BC / BC Muslims / MBC / DNC candidates - Rs. 1000/-
SC / SCA / ST / Persons with Disabilities (PwD / PH) /
Destitute Widow - Rs.500/-
Age Limit relaxation Details:
Cut -off date for age calculation -
Minimum age - 18 years should be
UR - 30 years (should not be
BC / BCM / MBC - 37 years
SC / SCA / ST - 40 years
200 Point Roster system will be applicable as per TN
Government norms.
Photo scan image in JPEG format: 20KB
- 30KB size.
Resolution in 320*240 to 640*480
pixel level only
Signature / LTI scan image in JPEG
format: 10KB - 20KB size.
Resolution in 400*150 to 800*300
pixel level only
Help Line No.044 - 28522256 time
(10.30 to 5.00 pm)
Advertisement No. 01/2019
Advertisement date: 07.03.2019
Online Application Registration: from 22.03.2019 to 22.04.2019
Last date - fees Payment: 24.04.2019
Tamil Medium Certificate (PSTM) / No Objection Certificate
(NOC) Forms: Click here