Tamil Nadu Public
Service Commission
TNPSC Road, V.O.C.Nagar, Park
Chennai – 600003
Tamil Nadu
Invite online applications from the interested and
eligible candidate for the vacancy posts of Junior Scientific Officer through
TNPSC JSO Examination 2019
Exam Date: 24.08.2019
Paper – I: Core Subject Main - 10.00am to 01.00 pm
Exam Date: 24.08.2019
Paper – II: General Studies - 02.30pm to 04.30 pm
Name of the vacancy post details:
Scientific Officer (JSO) in
Tamil Nadu Forensic Science Subordinate Service Posts; Salary - Basic Pay Rs.36900/-
plus allowances in Tamil Nadu Revised Pay Matrix Level - 18 (Basic Pay Rs.9300/-
Grade Pay Rs.4800/- in Pay Band - II category); Age limit - 30 years
Educational qualification:
MSc Forensic Science / MSc Physics / MSc Chemistry / MSc
Zoology / MSc Botany / MSc Bio-Chemistry *
Age Limit Details:
off date for age calculation - 01.07.2019
Minimum age limit - 18 years (should have completed) for all
age limit - 30 years (should not have completed) for UR candidates (except
destitute widow).
No maximum age limit - BC / BCM /
MBC / DNC / SC / SCA / ST candidates and Destitute Widow of all communities,
includes UR, except AEI post.
Persons with Disabilities will get additional 10 years relaxation.
Examination Details:
Two papers in MCQ type of examination.
Paper - I: PG Degree
Standard in Forensic Science / Physics / Chemistry / Biology
Total - 200 MCQs;
Each question will carry 1.5 marks;
Total - 300 marks.
Paper - II: General
Studies (Degree Std Level) - 75 MCQs;
Aptitude and Mental Ability Test (10th Std Level) - 25 MCQs
There is no negative marking system.
Personal Interview - 70 marks.
Cut off date for educational qualification - 21.06.2019
Cut off date for age - 01.07.2019
Last date
for online application: 22.07.2019
One Time Registration Fee Rs.150/- (valid for 5 years)
Examination Fee Rs.200/-
Toll Free Telephone Number: 1800 425 1002
TNPSC Official Telephone Number: (044) 2533 2833 / 2533 2855.
Notification No.20/2019
Advertisement No.550
Advertisement date: 07.06.2019
Registration: from 21.06.2019 to 22.07.2019
Last date for Fee payment: 24.07.2019
and Examination Syllabus
Online Application Form: http://tnpscexams.net
Online apply: https://apply.tnpscexams.in/secure?app_id=UElZMDAwMDAwMQ==