Principal District Court
District - 621212
Tamil Nadu
applications from the eligible candidates for the 62 vacancy post of Computer
Operator, Xerox Machine Operator, Driver, Junior / Senior Bailiff, Reader /
Examiner, Office Assistant, Watchman, Masalchi, sweeper and sanitary worker in
Perambalur Principal District Court in Tamilnadu
Perambalur District
Court vacancies details:
1. Computer Operator - 6 Vacancies
2. Examiner - 2 Vacancies
3. Reader - 1 Vacancy
4. Senior Bailiff - 1 Vacancy
5. Junior Bailiff - 3 Vacancies
6. Driver - 1 Vacancy
7. Photocopier Machine Operator (Xerox Machine Operator) - 3 Vacancies
8. Office Assistant (OA) - 24 Vacancies
9. Night Watchman - 7 Vacancies
10. Masalchi - 9 Vacancies
11. Scavenger - 1 Vacancy
12. Sweeper - 3 Vacancies
13. Sanitary Worker - 1 Vacancy
Name and details of vacancy post (Permanent
Examiner (நகல் பரிசோதகர்) - 2 Posts; Salary - Basic
Pay Rs.19500/- plus allowances in Tamil Nadu Government State Revised Pay
Matrix Level 8; Educational Qualifications - 10th Std / SSLC Pass.
Reader (நகல் வாசிப்பாளர்) - 1 Post; Salary - Basic
Pay Rs.19500/- plus allowances in Tamil Nadu Government State Revised Pay
Matrix Level 8; Educational Qualifications - 10th Std / SSLC Pass
Senior Bailiff (முதுநிலை கட்டளை நிறைவேற்றுநர்) - 1
Post; Salary - Basic Pay Rs.19500/- plus allowances in Tamil
Nadu Government State Revised Pay Matrix Level 8; Educational Qualifications -
10th Std / SSLC Pass
Junior Bailiff (இளநிலை கட்டளை நிறைவேற்றுநர்) - 3 Posts; Salary - Basic Pay Rs.19000/-
plus allowances in Tamil Nadu Government State Revised Pay Matrix Level 7; Educational
Qualifications - 10th Std Pass
Driver (வாகன ஓட்டுநர்) - 1 Post; Salary - Basic Pay
Rs.19500/- plus allowances in Tamil Nadu Government State Revised Pay Matrix
Level 8; Educational Qualifications - 10th Std / SSLC Pass
Xerox Machine Operator (Photocopier
Machine Operator) (நகலெடுப்பான் இயக்குபவர்) - 3 Posts; Salary - Basic Pay
Rs.16600/- plus allowances in Tamil Nadu Government State Revised Pay Matrix
Level 3; Educational Qualifications - 10th Std / SSLC Pass with
minimum 6 months experience in xerox machine operation
Office Assistant (அலுவலக உதவியாளர்) - 24 Posts; Salary - Basic
Pay Rs.15700/- plus allowances in Tamil Nadu Government State Revised Pay
Matrix Level – 1; Educational Qualifications - 8th Std / VIIIth Std Pass
Night watchman (இரவுக் காவலர்) - 7 Posts; Salary - Basic
Pay Rs.15700/- plus allowances in Tamil Nadu Government State Revised Pay
Matrix Level – 1; Educational Qualifications - Able to read and write
Masalchi (மசால்ஜி) - 9 Posts; Salary - Basic
Pay Rs.15700/- plus allowances in Tamil Nadu Government State Revised Pay
Matrix Level – 1; Educational Qualifications - Able to read and write
Scavenger (தூய்மைப்பணியாளர்) - 1 Post; Salary - Basic
Pay Rs.15700/- plus allowances in Tamil Nadu Government State Revised Pay
Matrix Level – 1; Educational Qualifications - Able to read and write
Sweeper (துப்புரவுப் பணியாளர்) - 3
Posts; Salary - Basic Pay Rs.15700/- plus allowances in
Tamil Nadu Government State Revised Pay Matrix Level – 1; Educational
Qualifications - Able to read and write
Sanitary Worker (சுகாதாரப் பணியாளர்) - 1 Post; Salary - Basic
Pay Rs.15700/- plus allowances in Tamil Nadu Government State Revised Pay
Matrix Level – 1; Educational Qualifications - Able to read and write
Name and details of vacancy post (Temporary Post):
Computer Operator (கணினி இயக்குபவர்) - 6 Posts; Salary - Basic
Pay Rs.20600/- plus allowances in Tamil Nadu Government State Revised Pay
Matrix Level – 10; Educational Qualification - Bachelor's Degree in
Computer Science / Computer Application or BSc / BCom with Diploma in Computer
Science / PGDCA and English and Tamil Typewriting Junior Grade Pass
Age relaxation Details:
Cut-off date for age calculation - 01.07.2018.
Minimum age limit - 18 years completed.
Maximum age limit:
UR candidates - 30 years
BC / MBC / BC muslim / DNC candidates - 32 years
SC / SCA / ST / Destitute Widow of all caste candidates - 35 years
PwD UR candidates - 40 years
PwD BC / MBC / BC muslim / DNC candidates - 42 years
PwD SC / SCA / ST / Destitute Widow of all caste candidates - 45 years
Ex-Serviceman in UR - 48 years
Ex-serviceman in other BC / MBC / SC / ST - 53 years
Selection method:
Selections will be made through written test / interview.
Do's & Don'ts:
Don't send more than one application in single envelope cover.
Send them separately.
Don't forget to fill all the columns in application form.
Don't forget to sign the on the photo, which is pasted in application
Don't use stapler pin to affix the photo.
Don't forget to self-attest all the enclosures (xerox copies).
Any district candidates may apply for these post, but priority will be
give the resident of Perambalur.
Apply with prescribed application forms.
Enclose photocopies of all documents duly self attested.
Send your application by Post with Acknowledgement Receipt only.
Sign in the photograph after pasted in application
Kindly enclose any of the following id card photocopy duly self
attested: voter's ID card / PAN Card / Driving License / Family Card (Ration
Card) / Aadhaar Card / Bank pass book first page.
website only, no individual letter will send.
So, interested and eligible candidates may forward their application
form in prescribed
format along-with all necessary documents duly self-attested copies to
the following address as on or before of the last date.
The Principal District Judge,
Principal District Court
Perambalur District - 621212
Tamil Nadu
date: 28.12.2018
Last date: 21.01.2019
Official Notification and Application form download: Click