Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Office of the Deputy Director of Health Services
District Health Society,
Chairman Lakshman Iyer Street,
Near Municipality Office, Achamangalam,
Tirupathur - 635 601, Tamil Nadu
அம்மா மினி கிளினிக் நலவாழ்வு மையங்களில் நர்ஸ், உதவியாளர்கள் தற்காலிக காலிப்பணியிடங்கள்
Invite applications from
interested and eligible candidates for the vacancy post of Staff Nurse / MLHP /
Multi Purpose Hospital worker / Attender posts in Amma Mini Clinics and
District Health welfare centres (HWC) in Thirupathur District Public Health Service
and Preventive Medicine
Name of the vacancy Posts:
Staff Nurse /
Mid-Level Healthcare Provider (MLHP) (செவிலியர் / இடைநிலை மருத்துசேவை வழங்குநர்) - 44 Posts; Salary - Rs.14000/-
per month on consolidated pay; Educational qualification - Diploma in General
Nurse and Midwifery; Age limit - 35 years
Multi Purpose
Hospital Worker / Attender (பல்நோக்கு
மருத்துவமனைப் பணியாளர்) - 44 Posts; Salary - Rs.6000/- per month on consolidated
pay; Educational qualification - 8th Std
Pass; Age limit - 40 years
General Instructions:
line Phone No. 04179
- 222290 / 0-9940610125
Help Line Email ID /
The above posts are temporary category jobs.
Interested and
eligible candidates may forward their application form along-with all necessary
documents duly self attested to the following address as on or before of
the last date: 11th February 2021
The Deputy Director
of Health Services
Office of the Deputy Director of Health Services,
Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine,
Chairman Lakshman
Iyer Street,
Near Municipality
Office, Achamangalam,
Tirupathur - 635 601, Tamil Nadu
Advertisement date: 03.02.2021
date: 11.02.2021
Notification and
application download here
(Available at the
above Office and All Health Centres)
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